
Nursery @ 千里丘校

As part of our Transportation and Going Places monthly theme, we decided to take our students on their very first field excursion walking to our neighborhood park. They were so excited about this event as it gave them the opportunity to explore, learn and have fun playing outside of our school.
Playing at the park of course, was the highlight of our trip as students got to play on different play equipments with each other and their mommies. We also took some of our sandbox toys from school to play inside the park's sandbox. Our students enjoyed making birthday "sand" cakes. We all had so much fun that day and it was definitely a memorable event for us all!
With the grateful help of our mothers as class helpers, our students were able to see the different houses and buildings we live in, the different kinds of vehicles that passed by us along the way to and from the park and we were also fortunate enough to even see an airplane flying above as well. We certainly learned and used a lot of new vocabulary that day!






By Gayle and Mayu  

Posted by Earth at 16:33千里丘校


Kinder A @ 千里丘校

In a Science Class last month, we studied about force.
We looked at pushing forces and pulling forces. To highlight these forces we used magnets.

The magnets either pulled each other together or pushed each other away.
The children were fascinated by this and so we then tried pushing forces in pairs.
The students had to carefully push each other together at the same time with their palms together without moving their bodies. It took a few turns but after a while they understood what they had to do, which was to push with the same force. This was down to good teamwork. Well done Kinder A.

普段は、”We don't PUSH / PULL friends." というルールの中で生活しています、Kristian の ”Pushing ore ! Pushing each other!" という掛け声にはじめは戸惑っていました。 遠慮がちに友達(ペア)の手を押していたこども達も、だんだんと力が入ってきて笑顔が見え始めめました。

To finish off the class we demonstrated pushing force with air. By building a rocket with a balloon and string we observed the rocket being propelled across the room.  


クリップの栓をはずすと.......... なんと風船がいよく横に飛んいきました!

あっという間の出来事にみんなびっくりです。 速過ぎて何が起こったのかわからない???の表情も見られました。"One more time!"  みんなのリクエストに答え、再実験。 

何かを乗せてみたらどうだろう? みんなの好奇心が膨らんできたようです!
We then added some weight to see if the rocket could still function. With some weights it worked while for others it did not.

The children had a great time with this Science Project and as always they had so many questions to ask and observations to express.
Fantastic effort Kinder A!

Posted by Kristian & Mitsuyo  

Posted by Earth at 16:24千里丘校


Kinder B @ 千里丘校

In Kinder B we have been learning about clocks and brushing up on our clock reading skills. To go along with this the child made their own clocks and decorated them. We had many interesting clock designs. The children can use these clocks during lessons to practice telling time. They can also learn the vocabulary for the parts of the clock.
KBクラスでは時計の読み方のレッスンの一環で、オリジナルの時計造りをしました。 こども達の個性が垣間見れる素敵な作品が出来ました。それぞれ一人一つずつ造ったので今後はレッスンでも活用していきたいと考えています。

Is it a boy or a clock?

The children paid close attention to detail as they decorated their clocks.

Posted by Sean, Meg & Shota  

Posted by Earth at 15:57千里丘校


After School Movers

Hello everyone! After school class has been great for the Movers on Mondays and Wednesdays. We've studied a variety of topics and all the students have really enjoyed participating and expressing themselves in English.
こんにちは! Davidです。月曜日と水曜日のアフタークラスを担当しています。生徒達はみんな積極的にクラスに参加し、英語での自己表現を楽しんでいるようです!

Here are some of the things the students have written about After school class:

"I liked musical statues. I liked Bingo. I liked spelling game. I liked portraits. I liked computers. I liked crafts."

"I liked crafts. I liked Bingo. I liked my new friends."

"I liked my new friend."

"I liked computers."

"I liked musical statues."

Thank you for your support!
The students enjoyed crafts during Afterschool class.

The students learned about different portrait types and hairstyles.

The students learned about houses and apartments.

David Kim  

Posted by Earth at 15:40After School