
Orange class -Senri Yamada School-

For our tech time, we use the iPads to go onto the kidsa-z app to practice their spelling. Once they have reviewed how to spell a set number of words, they can move onto a spelling game! Orange class have always enjoyed playing on this spelling app, particularly the ‘Letter Fall’ game.

Time is devoted to spelling and phonics every lesson and I have really seen an improvement in their interest and confidence in spelling. They are given a particular sound and give me various words that include that sound, they always give great examples! We then have a spelling test every week based on the given sound and suggested words.

Orange class have been tasked with various creative projects throughout the year. The most recent was ‘packing your suitcase for a holiday’. They had to think of a location, 10 items they would bring, and they later drew their suitcase with all its contents. They were enthusiastic and creative when discussing the contents with their partner.

Posted by Earth at 10:00After School


Purple Class- Senrioka School-

In class we talked about the history of the Olympics. We also talked about what a logo was, and the famous logo of the Olympics, the 5 rings representing the continents. Afterwards, we made our own logos for if the Olympics came to Osaka!

Once everyone made their logos we did an exhibition where everyone talked about their design. We talked about what they included to show it was for Osaka, and of course made sure to include the signature rings. Once it was presented the students were able to ask the presenter questions about their picture as well!

Everyone had really original and clever designs, and they seemed to have a lot of fun making them. If they happen to move the Olympics from Tokyo to Osaka, we know who to call to make the new logo! Great job, Purple Class!

Posted by Earth at 10:00After School


Blue Class-Senrioka School-

We started by reviewing the past tense and writing some examples on colored cards.

Then, we used those cards to play a board game. When you picked up a card, you had to make up a sentence using that word in the past tense.

Finally, using the cards from the game, we wrote some sentences in our journals.

Posted by Earth at 00:59After School


Green Class - Takatsuki Ibaraki School -

The children participated in a speaking exercise activity where they had to compare and contrast the similarities and differences in each other's picture.

A-Z online activities took place in class as well, and the children tried out the new program on the Ipads for the first time.

The class also began writing their occupation projects, where the class picked an interesting job, and will also draw a picture diagram to go with it.


Posted by Earth at 00:50After School