
Christmas Tree @千里山田校

The children are so excited to see the big Christmas tree!!

The children in Turtles class decorated the tree beautifully ! The children are all listening teacher’s instruction
“How to decorate the tree”

"Who would like to try??"
"Who listened carefully ?"

Little Turtles really enjoy decorating with lots of ornaments.

Christmas is coming soon!! クリスマスまでもう少しですね!

Written by Yumi&Yukie  

Posted by Earth at 10:26千里山田校


Bears 千里山田校

Thank you to all of the Bears parents for helping out with our Summer Festival booths!
We were able to buy many things for our class to use with the profits we made!

We bought a "marble tower" that we need to make in order to roll marbles down it.
The Bears are amazing builders and they have a great time playing with this!


We also were able to get a "Lego Set" with cars, houses, an airplane etc. which we worked together in building.
The Bears were amazing at following the instructions!

We purchased a collection of "Die Cast Metal Puzzles" which are difficult even for adults.
Yet the Bears have managed to figure out how many of the puzzles are solved even though their faces are very serious when they are doing them!

We will start working on the "3D Eiffel Tower Puzzle" as well as memorizing the magic tricks from our "Magic Set" once the Bears have their show for the Annual Performance down.

Thank you for all of your cooperation for the Summer Festival!

Written by Jason  

Posted by Earth at 09:00千里山田校


Ducks @千里山田校

We have new kitchen toys.We can make lunch for you.
ごっこ遊びが大好きなDUCKSのこどもたち、DUCKSお台所ではいつも大家族がおいしそうな食事を楽しんでいます。お母さんやお父さん、様々な役になりきることで、ますます会話の幅も広がり、"Hmmm I am tired,juice please!" "Okay daddy wait please."などの英語でのやりとりもたくさんきこえてきます。

Put up the magnet ABC's that help us have fun learning.
アルファベットのマグネットは、サークルタイムでも大人気!ペタっとくっつけたり、離したりが楽しいようで、"I know A!!"と文字を覚えるのに大活躍です。


These are the new toys from the summer festival profits.
Thank you everybody for all your help and time.
We appreciate it!.

Written by Vivian & Aya  

Posted by Earth at 14:27千里山田校


Kinder B @千里丘校

In Kinder B we have been discussing and observing the leaves on the trees as they change colour in autumn. In this lesson the children collected leaves in the playground. We then examined the leaves, and using glue and construction paper, organized them into patterns. The children made a number of interesting patterns. Some chose only certain coloured leaves while others made patterns based on size.

Children worked in small groupings sharing the leaves and materials.

A thoughtful pattern of seeds and leaves.

posted by Sean, Chesare and Kayo  

Posted by Earth at 19:06千里丘校


Caterpillars 千里山田校

Thank you so much to everyone who helped make the Caterpillar class booth at the Summer Festival such a success! Here is how the children benefit from all your hard work.

As planned, we bought a realistic baby doll for our class. Many of the Caterpillars are already big brothers/sisters, or may be sometime in the future. It's important to learn how to care for those smaller than us. Isn't she cute?

We try to include our baby in class activities as much as possible, so we also have a baby carrier and a stroller.

We make sure to keep our baby healthy and happy! She has regular health check-ups and gets fed milk, juice, and baby food.

After all the baby-related purchases, we had enough money left over to buy costumes (and a drawer to keep them in) for a dress-up corner! We have job-related costumes such as doctor, cook, police officer, fire fighter, etc. as well as "fun" costumes like a pirate, cowboy, butterfly, and monster. Sometimes we mix them up to make new characters (and see who can make the teachers laugh!).

Everyone loves our new baby and our new costumes! These items help to develop the children's creativity, which will benefit them far into the future.

Written by Beth & Naomi  

Posted by Earth at 19:06千里山田校