
"As one we share the love"

"As one we share the love”のプロジェクトが3月に終了しました。シンボルツリーが描かれた封筒には、たくさんの寄付金が入れられました。皆様のたくさんの"Love"をありがとうございました。心より感謝を申し上げます。

先日、3校を代表して千里丘Kinder BクラスよりNPO法人チャイルド・ケモ・ハウス 楠木理事長に確かにお渡ししました。
"We hope the children enjoy the new tree!"
と Kinder Bから大きな声でメッセージを伝えました。

チャイルド・ケモ・ハウスシンボルツリー(山法師)を寄付させていただきます。春に花をつけ、秋にサッカーボールのような形の赤い実をつけます。 花言葉は“友情”です。

posted by Yukiko & Kayo  

Posted by Earth at 16:31全園共通


Butterflies @千里山田校

This is how we play in learning centers during gym time: the gym is divided into four rooms connected by tunnels and arches. One room is for tumbling, one for making a playhouse, one for balls and jump ropes and hula hoops, and the last for building with Kapla blocks. It's great for playing, exploring or just sitting and talking with our friends...and we love the tunnels!!

Hoops and Hoops; Basketball and hula hoops!!

Tumbling fun, “Look!! Look what I can do!!”

Kapla blocks: pure concentration in building them up, but even more fun knocking them down.

Building our own playhouse.

Nothing but net!!

Only 4“rooms” but oh, so many tunnels and doors.

Written by Douglas and Yoko  

Posted by Earth at 14:04千里山田校


Ducks @千里山田校

This month we made bunny baskets for the Easter egg hunt. We had a little trouble placing the the smaller parts (whiskers), but overall the students made very impressive baskets.

These are the finished covers.

The students really enjoyed using their baskets during the Easter egg hunt.

Written by Kevin & Aya  

Posted by Earth at 14:03千里山田校


Monkeys @高槻茨木校

Hand Print Cherry Trees!

Spring is in the air, and flowers are everywhere. We decided to do a
hand paint print craft with the children, so they could make their own
beautiful cherry blossoms!


The first step, is to get dirty! We needed brown hand prints, but not just hands, paint all the way to the elbow! The children really loved this part, watching their arms get covered in brown paint, and the cold feel of the paint coming off the brush. After putting their entire arm print on the paper, they washed up and hung their smocks to

The next day, we put our smocks on again, but this time to use sponges on sticks, and dab paint to make wonderful pink blossoms and green grass!

The children had a wonderful time getting into the dabbing and painting, and everyone did a fantastic job! The entire Monkey class listened carefully to directions, and they all did their best to perfection.
Good job!!

The trees all look wonderful, and they are now hanging up in the Takatsuki Genkan to show everyone the wonderful cherry blossoms that the Monkeys made.
Monkeys の桜は玄関に飾っていますので、ぜひ子どもたちのがんばりを見に来てくださいね!

Finally, we enjoyed a wonderful picnic inside our room with the little cherry blossom branches that we had in the room!

posted by Eric and Chiharu  

Posted by Earth at 10:18高槻茨木校


Dolphins @高槻茨木校

Paper Fun!!

With a new large class in the KA Dolphins, we decided to help them open up and learn to play and share things with their new friends! It was a fun, hands on activity that everyone enjoyed!!
4月から新しく始まったDolphins classです。1週目のある日、少し緊張気味の子ども達の心をほぐして、思いっきり遊べる新聞遊びをしました。

Here, students were given newspaper. They first were encouraged to crumple up the paper, and describe how it feels in their hands.

After the children had crumpled it in their hands, they were then given more paper.
This time, they were asked to carefully rip the paper from top to bottom. After that, they were then encouraged to rip it into smaller pieces.

Children were then given more paper!!
This time, they were to rip it any they wanted to, and this allowed them to express themselves more freely, and to become more comfortable with their new friends.

After much fun of ripping paper, we then gathered as much paper as we could, and threw it in the air like they were cherry blossom petals blowing in the wind!

KA Dolphins had a great time doing this activity. They became more comfortable in the classroom, and they also learned that KA is going to be a fun year!
Paper has been kept as well for future use : )

Brent and Shiori  

Posted by Earth at 10:18高槻茨木校