
Tigers @千里山田校

This month's topic is "All About Me" and Tigers class has been learning to talk about their families and extended family members such as aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, and even great-grandparents.
In creative project time we made our own family trees.
The children researched how to spell their parent's and sibling's names, wrote them down on apples, and pasted them on the trees.
家族だけではなく、親戚の名前も入れた"Family Tree"をつくりました。

The children colored the apples in shades of red and green.

Some kids' mothers had the same names!

They were careful not to cut off the stems.

In the afternoon we went outside to water the Rainbow Garden which the KB class of 2013 planted before they graduated.
Unfortunately it started to rain so we didn't need to water anymore!
Instead we used rulers to measure the height of the flowers.
昨年度の卒園生から受け継いだ "Rainbow Garden"
これからも大切に花の世話をしてきれいに咲いた花をみてみんなが happyになれるといいなぁ~。

By Arama, Marlone & Kayo  

Posted by Earth at 09:42千里山田校