
Geckos @高槻茨木校


Wow! What a year! Firstly, thank you all SO MUCH for your kind support and assistance during the year. Eri and I have been blessed with the most amazing group of parents and caretakers this years, and I am very grateful to you all!

It has been 7 months since Nursery Frogs morphed into Pre-K Junior Geckos, and during that time the children have grown so much that I almost don't recognise them! In this blog entry, Eri and I would like to talk about how much they have changed and developed since last September.

Pre-K jr ゲッコーズがスタートして半年がたちました。今回のブログでは、子ども達が初めの頃と比べてどのように成長してきたかをお伝えしたいと思います。

Geckos @高槻茨木校

Geckos @高槻茨木校

In the beginning, the children had very little language ability, their social and motor skills were only just beginning to develop and they did not have a great deal of independence. They often used one word responses to communicate their needs.

Today these same children are able to make long sentences using several words and, in some cases, link ideas to communicate their needs and feelings - in English! Who-what-where-why-how questions come continuously in rapid fire, and they are beginning to converse with each other, not just the teachers, in English as well.


Geckos @高槻茨木校

Geckos @高槻茨木校

From Nursery Frogs, the children have been learning the alphabet and phonics almost every day during circle time, using a combination of flash card, songs and stories. During story time we look at the title of the book, and discuss the letters we can see and the sounds those letters make. In addition, the children can recognise the letters in their own and friends' names, and are also able to recognise the first letter of a word simply by hearing it. From January, the Geckos have been learning how to sound out CVC (three letter words) such as "c-a-t", "b-e-d", "p-o-t" and so on, and can now recognise and identify the word from a selection of cards on the floor.


The Geckos unpack their bags, and fold their jackets neatly in their bag cubbies every morning without needing to be reminded. Presently, about three-quarters of the class of 16 can even button their jackets without assistance, and remaining quarter are not far behind. This gives them an enormous sense of independence and satisfaction.

生活面では、Pre-K Jrとしてできるだけ自分の事は自分でできるよう頑張りました。お外遊びの後は、キレイにジャケットをたたんでカビーにしまいます。

Geckos @高槻茨木校

Geckos @高槻茨木校

The twice-weekly gym sessions have strengthened gross and fine motor skills. Their coordination as greatly improved through running, jumping, crawling, rolling and balancing, and the difference in their strength is clearly visible when we see them playing outside, riding bikes and using the pedals, climbing ladders and playing soccer with their friends.


Geckos @高槻茨木校

But, most enjoyably for Eri and I, verbal and social interaction between the children themselves and with us has greatly increased. The children love to laugh as they build a structure together and watch as it collapses, and they enjoy playing with English and the funny things they say to make us laugh. They will often ask each other for help, saying "hold this please" or "can you do this, please?", and individual achievements are met with proud cries of "I can do it by myself!"
また最近ではお友だちとの関わりが本当にたくさん増えてきました。一緒に何かを作って笑いあったり、お友だちに「hold this one please」とお願いする姿も見られました。お友だちが何かで困っていると自ら進んで助けようとする子もいて、「僕・私はできる!」という自信や思いやりの心が芽生えてきているのだなと感じさせられます。

Geckos @高槻茨木校

It has been an honour and a pleasure to watch the Geckos grow into strong, confident children ready to take on Pre-K, and I personally have many wonderful memories of this class that I will treasure forever. Thank you once again for your support during our time together!


Geckos @高槻茨木校

posted by Jacki and Eri

Rabbits @ 高槻茨木校
Panda @ 高槻茨木校
Lions @ 高槻茨木校
Leopards @ 高槻茨木校
Dolphins @ 高槻茨木校
Zebras @ 高槻茨木校
 Rabbits @ 高槻茨木校 (2014-11-23 12:53)
 Panda @ 高槻茨木校 (2014-10-23 13:46)
 Lions @ 高槻茨木校 (2014-10-23 13:40)
 Leopards @ 高槻茨木校 (2014-10-23 13:34)
 Dolphins @ 高槻茨木校 (2014-10-21 18:06)
 Zebras @ 高槻茨木校 (2014-10-21 17:58)

Posted by Earth at 10:55 │高槻茨木校