
Dolphins @高槻茨木校

The Demon on Setsubun

To prepare for the arrival of the Demon on Setsubun, KA decided the best way not to be scared, is to make demon masks, so that we may actually scare the Demon instead!!

Dolphins @高槻茨木校

Dolphins @高槻茨木校

Dolphins @高槻茨木校

Students were given already prepared cardboard with a rubber band, to go on their heads.Their first job was to color it. Many students thought pink, red or green would be the best for the color of a demon.

Dolphins @高槻茨木校

Dolphins @高槻茨木校

After they were finished coloring the mask, they then needed to cut out a nose, and eyes.This was good practice for their hand-eye coordination, and to practice cutting nice circles.

Dolphins @高槻茨木校

Dolphins @高槻茨木校

Children drew the eyes, and then glued them, and the nose, on the demon wherever they wanted.Some eyes were cute, others were scary!!

Dolphins @高槻茨木校

We asked students, what do demons have that we do not have. The answer of course, were horns!So to help them improve on drawing straight lines, we had them draw horns. Some children made one horn, others made more than 3!

Dolphins @高槻茨木校

We then took scrap paper, and ripped it to make hair for the demon. After ripping it, we glued it.

Dolphins @高槻茨木校

Raaarrr! KA was now ready with their demon masks, to scare the unsuspecting Demon on Setsubun!
出来上がり!!出来たてのお面をかぶって、鬼を怖がらせる練習です!「がぉぉぉぉぉぉー!!」 当日は楽しむ子どもや、怖がりながらも友達の影から鬼に向かってボールを投げる子どもなど・・・お面の効果はあったかな♪

Posted by Brent & Yuka

Rabbits @ 高槻茨木校
Panda @ 高槻茨木校
Lions @ 高槻茨木校
Leopards @ 高槻茨木校
Dolphins @ 高槻茨木校
Zebras @ 高槻茨木校
 Rabbits @ 高槻茨木校 (2014-11-23 12:53)
 Panda @ 高槻茨木校 (2014-10-23 13:46)
 Lions @ 高槻茨木校 (2014-10-23 13:40)
 Leopards @ 高槻茨木校 (2014-10-23 13:34)
 Dolphins @ 高槻茨木校 (2014-10-21 18:06)
 Zebras @ 高槻茨木校 (2014-10-21 17:58)

Posted by Earth at 11:28 │高槻茨木校