
Dolphins 高槻茨木校


Dolphins 高槻茨木校
After we learned about why Moon Viewing was an important tradition, we wanted to celebrate Moon Viewing this month by making yummy dumplings!
We started by adding flour in a bowl, and preparing the tables with plastic wrap.
After washing our hands, we were ready to begin!

Dolphins 高槻茨木校
We talked about mud this month, and how water needs to be added to dirt to make it sticky and slimy. So this was helpful to understand that we needed to now add water to the flour so that it begins dough.

Dolphins 高槻茨木校
Mush mush mush! We had fun mixing the dough together with our hands and getting it ready to make balls. We added more water to make it more doughy and we all took turns mixing it together!

Dolphins 高槻茨木校
We started rolling the balls into medium sizes and discussing the texture and showing each other how to roll them nicely. We talked about what will happen to the dough balls once they are brought up to the kitchen, and how they are going to make the dumplings.
さぁ、お団子作りスタートです!どうすれば綺麗なお団子(丸)が作れるのか皆で話し合いながら、手の中でお団子をコロコロ。お手本のサイズに合わせるのが少し難しそうでしたが、自分で作ったお団子と見比べながら『too big.』『It's a little bit small.』と楽しそうにサイズを確認していました。

Dolphins 高槻茨木校
KA was so happy to see all the dough balls we rolled and piled up in the bin, ready to be taken up stairs and boiled for our lunch time dumplings!
Lunch time, we enjoyed many of them and we talked about how we will observe the moon and think about the farmers who, every year, give us all the food we eat.
Thanks farmers!
自分が作ったお団子は、また一段と美味しく感じるようで、子ども達は『It's so yummy!!』『I made this!』といいながら皆おかわりをしていました。

Brent and Yuka

タグ :お月見団子

Rabbits @ 高槻茨木校
Panda @ 高槻茨木校
Lions @ 高槻茨木校
Leopards @ 高槻茨木校
Dolphins @ 高槻茨木校
Zebras @ 高槻茨木校
 Rabbits @ 高槻茨木校 (2014-11-23 12:53)
 Panda @ 高槻茨木校 (2014-10-23 13:46)
 Lions @ 高槻茨木校 (2014-10-23 13:40)
 Leopards @ 高槻茨木校 (2014-10-23 13:34)
 Dolphins @ 高槻茨木校 (2014-10-21 18:06)
 Zebras @ 高槻茨木校 (2014-10-21 17:58)

Posted by Earth at 22:15 │高槻茨木校