
Frogs 高槻茨木校

Frogs 高槻茨木校
Welcome to the new frogs class. Shota and I have spent extra time to make the room warm and welcoming for the children. フロッグクラスへようこそ!!ニューフロッグクラスの壁面です。

Frogs 高槻茨木校
We’re ready to start class. The first thing we do is get settled, sort out our things, and learn how to use classroom materials through play.クラスの装飾も終わり準備万端

Frogs 高槻茨木校
We start our day. With music class, outside play and lunch out of the way, we settle into the grand task of making art. This day we make butterflies. We make sure to use all the extra pieces so that there is no waste.クラフトの時間です。チョウチョの形に切り取った紙に色紙を貼り付けて鮮やかななチョウを作ります。

Frogs 高槻茨木校
While some students color shapes or faces onto the spare pieces, we start in on the main craft with others.

Frogs 高槻茨木校
ach child gets his own pre-cut butterfly, with windows in the wings. This is the first time we’ve used paste, and it is an excellent way to demonstrate fine motor control of the fingers.チョウチョの形に添ってのりつけをします。上手にできるかな~??

Frogs 高槻茨木校
With paste on fingers, the children trace the shape of the butterfly, practicing fluid movements along a set path.

Frogs 高槻茨木校
They do as much as possible on their own, following to directions.左手で紙をおさえて上手につけています。

Frogs 高槻茨木校
Next, it’s time to put color into the free spaces of the butterfly’s wings. Children choose the color they like, which will give them a sense of pride and ownership of their art.のりつけが終わったら色紙を貼ります。色のチョイスは子ども達自身で決めます。

Frogs 高槻茨木校
Using such a thin material means that students must practice control of movement, and care of their art.

Frogs 高槻茨木校
Delicately, they put their colors into place.

Frogs 高槻茨木校
Lastly, we hang their work to dry. The students beam with pride as I point out which butterfly is theirs.各子どもそれぞれ違った組み合わせのオリジナリティーあふれる作品が出来上がりました!!

Frogs 高槻茨木校
Once dried, the teachers cut out the shape of the butterfly. We will practice scissor work on a different project.

Frogs 高槻茨木校
Then we display it proudly for all to see. クラスの壁面に加えました。またお時間あるときに立ち寄って見にいらしてください。

Frogs 高槻茨木校
Frogs 高槻茨木校
These are some of the other crafts we’ve done so far. チョウチョの他にもクラスのクラフトの時間に行った塗り絵の作品がクラス内を鮮やかに彩っています。

Rabbits @ 高槻茨木校
Panda @ 高槻茨木校
Lions @ 高槻茨木校
Leopards @ 高槻茨木校
Dolphins @ 高槻茨木校
Zebras @ 高槻茨木校
 Rabbits @ 高槻茨木校 (2014-11-23 12:53)
 Panda @ 高槻茨木校 (2014-10-23 13:46)
 Lions @ 高槻茨木校 (2014-10-23 13:40)
 Leopards @ 高槻茨木校 (2014-10-23 13:34)
 Dolphins @ 高槻茨木校 (2014-10-21 18:06)
 Zebras @ 高槻茨木校 (2014-10-21 17:58)

Posted by Earth at 16:22 │高槻茨木校