
Monkeys 高槻茨木校

Coloring Insects!!
Monkeys 高槻茨木校
Using the Do-A-Dot markers, regular markers, or color pencils, the monkeys had the choices to color in one of 2 butterfly pictures, as well as a really neat coloring picture of a praying mantis!
The dot markers were very popular with the children, and they had a wonderful time coloring in the pictures one bright dot at a time!

Monkeys 高槻茨木校
The children waited patiently for each color to become available, and then carefully applied the dots to the papers. They all used the markers nicely, and didn’t rub or damage the soft sponge tips!
ドットマーカーは先端がスポンジなので普通のマーカーで色塗りをするように使ってはスポンジが崩れてしまうので、子ども達は真剣にスポンジを崩さないように優しく優しく使っていました。自分が使いたい色を他のお友達が使っているときはShare Please! Can I have yellow?など順番を待ってシェアも上手に出来ます。

Monkeys 高槻茨木校
After all of the pictures had time to dry, the results were beautiful and colorful!

Monkeys 高槻茨木校
The pictures are now up on the wall in the Monkey room for everyone to enjoy!

Rabbits @ 高槻茨木校
Panda @ 高槻茨木校
Lions @ 高槻茨木校
Leopards @ 高槻茨木校
Dolphins @ 高槻茨木校
Zebras @ 高槻茨木校
 Rabbits @ 高槻茨木校 (2014-11-23 12:53)
 Panda @ 高槻茨木校 (2014-10-23 13:46)
 Lions @ 高槻茨木校 (2014-10-23 13:40)
 Leopards @ 高槻茨木校 (2014-10-23 13:34)
 Dolphins @ 高槻茨木校 (2014-10-21 18:06)
 Zebras @ 高槻茨木校 (2014-10-21 17:58)

Posted by Earth at 10:33 │高槻茨木校