
Tigers @ 千里山田校

This year in Tigers class we are going to using the computers quite often as an excellent resource to supplement our teaching.
The children will be using it to learn to type, to read books, and play interactive English learning games.

Tigers @ 千里山田校

We have started back into a new gym routine now that sports day is finished.
Shota came and worked with us on our jump roping skills.

Tigers @ 千里山田校

We also got to play a new type of dodge ball game with Shota that involved having 4 teams playing at once.

Tigers @ 千里山田校

This month is helping hands month at Global Village and the Tigers and Bears class worked together to plant a garden near our school.
6月Global VillageはHelping Hands 月間だったのでBearsクラスとTigersで一緒に園のガーデンに花を植えました。

Tigers @ 千里山田校

Our garden is called the Rainbow Garden, and the children had a lot of fun digging holes for the flowers and patting down the dirt.
そのガーデンはRainbow Gardenで生徒たちは穴掘りや土をならし花を植えたりととっても楽しんでいました。

Tigers @ 千里山田校

The rainbow garden turned out very colorful and the kids did a great job making it look really beautiful!
Rainbow gardenは生徒たちのお陰でとてもカラフルできれいに仕上がりました!

Tigers @ 千里山田校

Written by Jonathan, Alyssa and Yumi

Bears @ 千里山田校
Tigers @ 千里山田校
Ducks @ 千里山田校
Koalas @ 千里山田校
Turtles @ 千里山田校
Bees @ 千里山田校
 Bears @ 千里山田校 (2014-11-23 12:49)
 Tigers @ 千里山田校 (2014-11-23 12:46)
 Ducks @ 千里山田校 (2014-11-23 12:42)
 Koalas @ 千里山田校 (2014-11-17 21:58)
 Turtles @ 千里山田校 (2014-11-17 21:53)
 Bees @ 千里山田校 (2014-11-17 21:48)

Posted by Earth at 00:04 │千里山田校