
Rabbits @ 高槻茨木校

This month, let’s take a look at Rabbits Class’s special event! In February, we had a Bring Your Animal to School Day. Everyone brought their favorite stuffed animal from home.

Rabbits @ 高槻茨木校

At circle time, we had our first show-and-tell! Everyone showed their animal to the class, and we all asked together, “What animal is it?” “What’s its name?” “What color is it?”
レッスンではクラスのみんなから質問が投げかけられます。”What animal is it?” ”What is its name?” “What color is it?”みんなで声をそろえて大きな声で聞くことが出来ました。

Rabbits @ 高槻茨木校

It was our first time to speak by ourselves in front of the class like this, but we all did a great job! We could say, “It’s a panda!” and “It’s black and white!” (Pandas are very popular with Rabbits Class now.) Shota and Emily were impressed that everyone could stand in front of the class and say a complete sentence in a big voice!
動物の名前に関しては、ほとんどのこども達から“No name!!”という応えが返ってきましたが、Color とAnimalに関してはお手の物です。しっかりとした口調で”It’s a panda“”It’s black and white” と応えていました。(パンダのおもちゃを持ってきているこどもが沢山いました。)

Rabbits @ 高槻茨木校

At lunch time, we had an Animal Picnic! We spread out our lunch sheets in the classroom, and were able to eat lunch together with our favorite animal. What a special treat!

Rabbits @ 高槻茨木校

With the Animal Interview, Animal Picnic, and Animal Music Time, our day was full of events that we could share with our animals and friends. We all had a great time!!

By Shota and Emily

Rabbits @ 高槻茨木校
Panda @ 高槻茨木校
Lions @ 高槻茨木校
Leopards @ 高槻茨木校
Dolphins @ 高槻茨木校
Zebras @ 高槻茨木校
 Rabbits @ 高槻茨木校 (2014-11-23 12:53)
 Panda @ 高槻茨木校 (2014-10-23 13:46)
 Lions @ 高槻茨木校 (2014-10-23 13:40)
 Leopards @ 高槻茨木校 (2014-10-23 13:34)
 Dolphins @ 高槻茨木校 (2014-10-21 18:06)
 Zebras @ 高槻茨木校 (2014-10-21 17:58)

Posted by Earth at 23:25 │高槻茨木校