
Kinder A @千里丘校

This year, Kinder A and Kinder B have started using jump ropes for gym class and outside play.
We are enjoying trying the challenges.

In KA, we are using our jump ropes to learn about tying shoelaces. Once children are 5 years old, they may have already developed the dexterity to begin tying their own laces.

普段は飛ぶという動作で使用する、Jump ropeですが、今回は、ひもを結ぶという少し難しいactivityを行いました。

It takes a lot of time and practice.
Our children do not often wear shoes with laces and it can be hard for a young child to see all the movements.
But, with our jump ropes, the children have a larger view of what's happening, and it is easy to practice with.
First, we make a mountain with our legs and thread the rope through the hole.
Tape on the ends help us to make the initial 'X’.
Then we used the idea of a bunny rabbit and its two long, floppy ears to help tie the bow.

自分の足にropeを巻きつけてうさぎの耳を作ります、 耳を重ねて顔を作り、その顔の中に耳を入れ、ギュッと耳を引っ張ると、きれいな結び目の完成!自分の足を上手に結んだあと、”I can not walk!" とみんな大笑いでぴょんぴょんと跳ねて歩いていました。

Kinder A @千里丘校

Kinder A @千里丘校

Kinder A @千里丘校

Kinder A @千里丘校


Kinder A @千里丘校

With a little practice, we managed to make some big bows. Following this achievement some of the children wanted to try with proper shoes.
They were a little big though.
Owenの靴を履いて”Wow!! Too Big!!" と言いながら、真剣な眼差しで、器用に靴ひもを結んでみんな大満足。

Kinder A @千里丘校

Kinder A @千里丘校

If you have a pair of shoes they can practise with at home, let them show you what they have learnt. We will continue to practice in class.

Let’s see what else can we do with our jump rope ...


Owen and Mitsuyo

Jr. @ 千里丘校
Kinder A @ 千里丘校
Kinder B @ 千里丘校
さつまいも掘り @ 千里丘校
Moon Viewing Cooking @ 千里丘校
Pre-K @ 千里丘校
 Jr. @ 千里丘校 (2014-11-24 00:16)
 Kinder A @ 千里丘校 (2014-11-24 00:11)
 Kinder B @ 千里丘校 (2014-11-23 13:01)
 さつまいも掘り @ 千里丘校 (2014-11-04 13:02)
 Moon Viewing Cooking @ 千里丘校 (2014-11-04 11:19)
 Pre-K @ 千里丘校 (2014-11-04 10:59)

Posted by Earth at 11:16 │千里丘校