
KB @千里丘校

The Kinder B students have been completely involved in designing and decorating a cardboard box maze. The maze will be built for the upcoming summer festival and profits raised will be used to buy new resources for the class. Kinder B is making a jungle maze and have created many beautiful and colourful pictures of jungle plants and animals. We are all excited to explore the maze when it opens. We just hope no one gets lost!
来るサマーフェスティバルで、KBクラスは "jungle maze" をします。

KB @千里丘校

KB @千里丘校
Colouring and gluing on the decorations was fun.

witten by Sean, Chesare and Kayo

Jr. @ 千里丘校
Kinder A @ 千里丘校
Kinder B @ 千里丘校
さつまいも掘り @ 千里丘校
Moon Viewing Cooking @ 千里丘校
Pre-K @ 千里丘校
 Jr. @ 千里丘校 (2014-11-24 00:16)
 Kinder A @ 千里丘校 (2014-11-24 00:11)
 Kinder B @ 千里丘校 (2014-11-23 13:01)
 さつまいも掘り @ 千里丘校 (2014-11-04 13:02)
 Moon Viewing Cooking @ 千里丘校 (2014-11-04 11:19)
 Pre-K @ 千里丘校 (2014-11-04 10:59)

Posted by Earth at 11:24 │千里丘校