
Pre-K Jr 千里丘校

In July, the summer has come with the roar of the rain, the heat and the sounds of spacemen and their rockets. All month we have been talking about rockets and space and here are some of the things that we have done. First off, while we have waited for our friends, we have been pretending to be rockets standing really close to the ground and counting down until we can “blast off” to go to our many destinations. But not only that! We made our own rockets out of paper cups during our brain building and creative project times.
Pre-K Jr 千里丘校

We practiced holding markers properly while we drew our own faces into the rocket window, developed out fine motor skills by making the flames that came out of the tail and the plates that make out rockets’ design. We also used those rockets to talk about facial features after giving those facial features to the spaceman that is in the rocket with us.
Pre-K Jr 千里丘校
Pre-K Jr 千里丘校
Pre-K Jr 千里丘校
Pre-K Jr 千里丘校
Pre-K Jr 千里丘校
Now at the end of July, we have an amazing mural in Junior class.

To beat the heat, we have started going to the pool. I hope that we can have lots of fun and many chances to play together in the water! The children really like having the chance to get the teachers wet and cooled off too.
Pre-K Jr 千里丘校
Pre-K Jr 千里丘校

Jr. @ 千里丘校
Kinder A @ 千里丘校
Kinder B @ 千里丘校
さつまいも掘り @ 千里丘校
Moon Viewing Cooking @ 千里丘校
Pre-K @ 千里丘校
 Jr. @ 千里丘校 (2014-11-24 00:16)
 Kinder A @ 千里丘校 (2014-11-24 00:11)
 Kinder B @ 千里丘校 (2014-11-23 13:01)
 さつまいも掘り @ 千里丘校 (2014-11-04 13:02)
 Moon Viewing Cooking @ 千里丘校 (2014-11-04 11:19)
 Pre-K @ 千里丘校 (2014-11-04 10:59)

Posted by Earth at 10:54 │千里丘校