
Summer School 2019 August 12th

Welcome to the Global Village Summer School!
Today we all got to know each other. Our teachers also took this opportunity to learn about each child. This will allow us to adjust our schedule and activities to make the week as engaging and active as possible for each child.

グローバルビレッジ サマースクールへようこそ!

Summer School 2019 August 12th

The older children really liked a warmer activity called ‘separation anxiety’. We provided colourful counters to each team and they had to separate the colours into different cups. This game is really simple, but the children wanted to play it multiple times. This game is also great for birthday parties. Using chocolate M&Ms or other candies will add another good reason for the children to play.
Once we had sorted our colours, the children were introduced to Tiddlywinks. We flicked counters across the carpet and tried to get them to jump into a cup. This skill game is very simple, but a lot of fun. It even became a competitive game between British universities, such as Oxford and Cambridge.

年長の子どもたちは、ウォームアップで行った「Separation Anxiety」がとても気に入ったようでした。各チームに色とりどりのチップを用意し、それをカップに分けて入れていくという、とてもシンプルなゲームですが、子ども達は何度も繰り返しプレイしたいと言っていました。このゲームは誕生日の様なパーティーに最適で、チップの代わりにチョコレートのM&Mやキャンディー等を使用すると、子ども達のモチベーショもぐっと上がります。
カラーチップを使って色を分けゲームを堪能した後は、子ども達に同じチップを使って楽しめる「Tiddlywinks」を紹介しました。 カーペットのような布の上でチップを弾き、カップに飛び込ませて数や速さを競うゲームです。 このスキルゲームは非常にシンプルですが、オックスフォードやケンブリッジなどの英国の大学間の競争ゲームにさえなるほどの楽しさです。

Summer School 2019 August 12th

Summer School 2019 August 12th

Our younger classes made an Alphabet line and explored shapes, using magnetic tiles.
We also made a paper puzzle. The aim of the puzzle is to make a square of four tiles. We coloured the paper, following a specific pattern. Some classes chose to use pictures instead of colours. You could also make this with numbers too. Making the square with some colours was easy, but there are some solutions that are very tricky. Perhaps parents will find this a good challenge also.


Summer School 2019 August 12th

In order to continue with our colours, the older classes made their own street chalk. For this we used tempera paint, plaster of paris, and some cupcake molds. We’ll be able to use our chalk later in the week. We had many other activities and free-play, and we look forward to sharing more with you throughout the week.

そして今日は更に色に関しての活動として、大きな子ども達のクラスではテンペラ絵の具、焼き石膏、そしてカップケーキ型を使用してストリート チョークの制作に挑戦しました。週の後半にはお手製のチョークを使用できるようになります!
今日は 他にも様々なアクティビティやフリープレイがありました。これからの一週間、ワクワク楽しいアクティビティを通し、たくさんの驚きを共有できることをとても楽しみにしています。

Written by Owen and Jonathan

Summer School 2020 August 14th
Summer School 2020 August 13th
Summer School 2020 August 12th
Summer School 2020 August 11th
Summer School 2020 August 10th
Summer School 2019 August 17th
 Summer School 2020 August 14th (2020-08-14 18:20)
 Summer School 2020 August 13th (2020-08-13 18:04)
 Summer School 2020 August 12th (2020-08-12 17:45)
 Summer School 2020 August 11th (2020-08-11 17:55)
 Summer School 2020 August 10th (2020-08-10 17:53)
 Summer School 2019 August 17th (2019-08-17 15:42)