
Summer School 2019 August 16th

Today the Preschool classes, explored animals, colours and actions. Hands-on activities help the children to participate and cement their knowledge while also keeping the lessons fun.


Our craft, mixes both colours and hidden elements. Today, the children used oil pastels to colour craft paper. Next, they covered it all in black tempera paint. Once it dry, we can used toothpicks to make our own scratch art.


We had a very active day, with gym games, catapult play, dominoes, and other games. When the children are show interest in one particular activity, we are happy to see the fun continue until a new idea grips their imagination.


Our upper level classes learnt about secret messages. We used two kinds of cipher; Pigpen and Alberti’s cipher disc. We made a few messages for them to decode, and they could then write their own. Perhaps they can show their parents how to make a secret note.

上級者クラスでは秘密のメッセージについて学びました。2つの種類の暗号、ピグペンとアルベルティの暗号ディスクを用い、幾つかの暗号文を作ってみました。 保護者の皆さんにも秘密のメッセージの書き方を教えてくれるかもしれませんね?!

Written by Owen and Jonathan  

Posted by Earth at 17:30サマースクール