
Welcome to the Global Village Summer School 2018!

It is the very first day and already the children have got involved in a wide variety of activities. The older and younger classes are both working on their ongoing projects to make a board game to take home. In order to achieve this, the classes are working a small tasks to help them to achieve their goals.
ついに始まったGlobal Village Summer School 2018! 子ども達はさっそく数々の楽しいアクティビティーに参加しました。まずはボードゲーム作りです。数日後に持ち帰る為、細かい作業にも積極的に取り組んでくれています。

Our younger learners used wooden pieces to form capital letters. They then worked on tracing the first letter of their first name today in various ways for a paint project we will complete tomorrow.

Today in our upper level classes we learned about the board game, Battleship! The children began working on making their own set to take home and play with their family and friends. We also looked at various ways to play games using a grid, having to guess where hidden object were in the grid.

Our younger classes took the first steps toward decorating a snakes and ladders board that we will be playing with throughout the week.

In our elementary school classes today we played a few traditional dice, card, and marble games from abroad. After lunch, Jenga was also a big hit.

We also took the students down to the gym to play some active games as well. The younger students engaged in a variation of musical chairs using colourful hoops and some fun, energetic music to run to! We had a little time outside too. The Alphabet climbing wall was very popular.

Written by Owen & Jonathan


Posted by Earth at 17:53サマースクール