
Summer School 2015 @Yamada

Global Village International Preschool Summer School 2015 officially departed from Japan with a destination of discovery on August 10th!

We will be learning about 6 different countries this week: Egypt, Argentina, Thailand, New Zealand, Hawaii and Greece. Greece was our destination on day 1.

The children learn about the countries through many mediums including music, gym games, circle time, craft, computers and science.

On day two in science we talked about Thailand and the fact that it is the largest exporter of rubber in the world.

We used this idea to build different things from rubber bands, including a rocket!
Craft is also a great way for children to learn about other cultures. We also used the same rubber bands to make splatter art! The children painted the rubber bands, pulled them back and, SPLAT!

We also made guitars from milk boxes to learn about Greek music and laurels to learn about Greek royalty.
And we also made a Trojan horse to teach the children about Greek history.

For Thailand the children made their own lotus flowers.

Summer School at Global Village is a fun way for the children to learn about the history and cultures from the world all around them!

Written by Jonathan & Kinuko

Posted by Earth at 16:52サマースクール


Summer School 2015 @Takatsuki

In circle time today, we learnt about seasons
“When is the hottest month in Japan?”
The children answered right away, “Now!! August!”
We then looks at the globe. The children naturally began to talk about countries they know. 
“This is Canada, I’ve been there. Oh! Here are America and Japan”
Then the teacher asked, “Do you know where you are traveling to today?
“Ar…” “Arge…” ”Argentina!”
It was a little bit difficult to pronounce Argentina.
Good job everyone!

Yesterday, we visited Egypt. In Science we learnt about mummies and made our own. The children’s hands were covered with glue and paper as they papier-mache their doll.

The younger children sang a ‘Crow song’, ‘Train song’, ‘Twinkle, twinkle little star’, and ‘Old McDonald’.
They sang and danced so well! When they sang the crow song, they moved up and down, left and right. They flew everywhere. They seemed really enjoy singing Old McDonald and naming all kinds of animals.
Our music teacher, Yui, was so impressed by their beautiful voices and great rhythm!
CrowソングやTrainソング、Twinkle Twinkle little star, Old McDonald
しました。Crow ソングではみんなカラスになりきって “Up and Down”と言いながら手を羽ばたかせたり、”Right and Left” と口ずさみながら、右や左に傾いたりして皆楽しそうに取り組む姿が印象的でした。またOld McDonaldでは大きな声で歌いながら、自分の知っている動物の名前を積極的に言う姿も見られました。

In craft, the older children explored about dinosaurs as Argentina is famous for some fossil finds. We made a mural together, of a prehistoric landscape, and added lots of dinosaurs. The younger children made their own Argentinian flag
Teachers had many compliments about the children’s great work.
All the children have a unique sense of creativity and colour that makes craft more fun.

We have some very fast eaters, thanks to your lovely lunches. While waiting for others to finish their lunch, we played with Kapla blocks from The Netherlands. Kapla blocks are very useful and yet simple materials for Brain building and developing motor skills and imagination.
They all liked to use Kapla to build Towers, train rails and stairs.
This is a tower that three girls built. Isn’t it beautiful!!
ランチを早く終えた生徒たちはジムでオランダのKaplaという木製の積木を使ってタワー,階段、線路を作ったりと,このKaplaという積木はグローバルヴィレッジインターナショナルプリスクールでもBrainbuildingやMotor skillsの訓練、そして想像力を養うのに適した教材です。

It is so nice to be in the water after the morning classes and activities!
Everyone is so happy to be in the cool water.
Look at their great smiles ^-^

Written by Owen & Yumi  

Posted by Earth at 16:15サマースクール