
Rabbits @ 高槻茨木校


Chie made a beautiful tree to decorate our room with - but it's missing something!

Look at the real maple leaves Jenny brought from Canada! We can put these on the tree!

Chie helps us decorate the tree with the leaves!

Jenny does too!

We did it!

Written by Jenny and Chie  

Posted by Earth at 21:26高槻茨木校


Pre-K @ 千里丘校

Space is our theme this month. We have looked at the 8 different planets, their sizes, what they are made of and also their position in the solar system. Tanabata was also celebrated and it was a useful introduction to our theme. With all these interesting and amazing sights we settled on one to make - a 'Fiery comet'.
今月のテーマは、「Space(宇宙)」でした。こども達は、8つの惑星について紹介され、それらの大きさ、構成、順番などについて学びました。テーマ(Space)に関連した多くの楽しいアクティビティが、月初めの七夕から、スタートしました。そして、先日”Fiery Comet(火のついた彗星/ほうき星)”を作りました。

A comet is made of ice and rock but we decided to make it more colourful, since we always ask each other whether our pictures are colourful, as though it was entering an atmosphere. Therefore we choose some bright colours.
彗星は、氷と石から出来ていますが、カラフルな色が大好きなPre-K classは彗星に色をつけることにしました。

For the tail of the comet we again used bright colours. After threading the strips of cellophane through holes we made even more tails by pulling the cellophane apart into thinner strips.

After our teacher helped us to tie the tails on we had the chance to play we our bright and fast comets.

We will combine this craft with a 'Galaxy' picture, which requires us to blow paint around with straws. Then we will display them.

Written by Nick & Chie  

Posted by Earth at 21:07千里丘校


Saturday School @ 千里山田校

During the month of August we had a great time here at Saturday School learing about "Summer" and "Transportations".
We did various activities such as play in the pool and we also made many different vehicles such as cars, planes, traffic lights etc.

We were happy to cool off in the pool since it was hot!

"Look! Glow in the dark fireflies in a jar!"

"Can you hearn the wind chimes blowing in the wind?

"Let's see who's foam flyers flies the farthest!"

"Race cars! 3, 2, 1, GO!"

"Red means stop, and green means go!"

Written by Jason & Yukie  

Posted by Earth at 20:56サタデースクール