
Kinder A @ 千里丘校

In one of this month's science classes we introduced to the students the concept of Sink and Float. At first, the kids didn't even know the difference between the two words. However, as the lesson progressed the students became more and more interested and thus wanted to learn more about Sinking and Floating.
New KAクラスで初めてのScience のlessonです。今日は、浮力について学びます。まずは”Sink or Float"の意味をKristianからしてもらうとどういうものなのか、こども達のなかでイメージができたようです。プールや海に行ったときに自分に起こった経験を話してくれました。

After teaching them about the concept I began a quiz with three items that I had previously prepared. We asked the students to think whether the items would Sink or Float. (Do you think it will sink or float?) The students responded by saying, "I think it will (sink/float)." Whichever was the most popular response we would take as the classes' answer.
自分の体は水に浮いて泳いだけど、いったいどんなものが”Sink” で”Float"なんだろう? みんなの ”?” がどんどん膨らんできたようです。

The students then were asked to go outside and pick their own objects to try to see if they would Sink or Float. So the kids had to choose items to try while imagining whether their object would Sink or Float. They really loved the challenge.

When we returned to the classroom we tested the objects and tallied the kids responses. It was a close result with the students guessing 7 correctly and 6 incorrectly. The kids cheered because they had gotten more right than wrong. We look forward to doing more science projects in the future.

結果をチェックする姿も真剣な眼差しです。園でいつも拾って遊ぶ葉っぱや、花、小枝、クラスで使う鉛筆やおもちゃ、それぞれがこんなふうに浮いたり沈んだりするなんて、こども達には新しい発見になりました。水に入れるとあっという間に沈む(sink) もの、 ぷかぁと浮くもの(float) 1つ1つに起こる結果にみんな声をあげて驚きます。

次はどんなScience lessonかな? 20人の好奇心をくすぐるようなlessonをこれから行っていきたいと思います。

Kristian and Mitsuyo  

Posted by Earth at 23:56千里丘校


Pre-K @ 千里丘校

Block Tower

For the start of the school year we decided to challenge ourselves and become engineers.
It was very exciting because we got to play with blocks.

Our task was to make the tallest tower we could. Before starting to design it, we looked at different ways to build something that is tall. A larger base means it can be built more stable.

We tried hard to make it as tall as it could be but sometimes it fell down before we wanted it to! That was funny and we immediately started building again.

With our teachers guidance we managed to go higher and higher.

If we work together and help each other the task becomes easier. Next time we have a problem we know we can ask our friends and teacher to help.

By Nick and Chie

Posted by Earth at 23:41千里丘校


Nursery @ 千里丘校

Not only did the Nursery Class take part in planting tomatos this month, but we also had the opportunity to plant some “Morning Glory”(あさがお) flowers to give to mother’s Day present.
きなお母さんに感謝を伝える日。Happy Mother’s day!!

We used old milk cartons decorated them by ourselves and had fun getting our hands into soil to plant our flowers.大好きな大好こども達の大好きな「The Seed Song」の歌を歌いながら、手作りの鉢に小さな種を植えました。

I hope our mommies liked them!

By Gayle and Mayu

Posted by Earth at 23:32千里丘校


Saturday School @ 千里山田校

"Mother's Day"

Last Saturday we talked about how our mothers do so much to take care of us with our students.
We also talked about how we celebrate Mother's Day to show that we care about our mothers and appreciate what they do for us.


We made things like Mother's Day cards, Best mom certificates as well as vases and message flowers to surprise our moms on Mother's Day.

Happy Mother's Day!

Written by Jason & Yukie  

Posted by Earth at 23:12サタデースクール