
Easter Party @ 千里山田校

On the 17th of April we had our annual Global Village Easter Party.
The classes each came up with their own special games to play with the children to help them understand the culture and traditions associated with Easter.


The children all participated in an egg hunt, one of the big parts of the Easter tradition on the western world.

The egg hunt was done in several different places in the school.
The hunt for the older children was a bit more difficult and the eggs were hidden in strange places all around the gym.
It was a lot of fun for the kids!

Once they found their chocolate eggs they put them together in a basket with an egg they dyed the day before.
They took the basket to the entryway and took a picture with a special visitor…

The Easter Bunny!
Each class also sat down with their children at the end of the day to enjoy some Easter stories and tried to connect each of the days activities to their social and cultural significance.
Overall it was a truly fun day for the staff and children alike!


Written by Jonathan & Yukie  

Posted by Earth at 14:58千里山田校


Monkeys @ 高槻茨木校

Getting started on a new year in the Monkeys Room!

The first challenge of every new class is getting to know the children! Some of them came up from nursery, and some have just begun their Global Village lives in April! We have been enjoying each other’s company with play, and group chants. One chant that the children really like is the “Monkey Power!” chant that we use as a focus and to bring smiles to their faces!

Being able to write the full alphabet, and even being able to write entire words, is a goal that we will be striving towards as we play and learn through the year. By mixing study with play, we are teaching the children how to trace lines, and how to exercise their fingers with crayons so they can hold a pencil properly!

Before anything else can happen though, we need to build friendships! By playing together, building together, and working together, we can form those friendships that can last a lifetime!

We also are working towards the building of basic skills and vocabulary. Here the children who moved up from Nursery class can really show their skills, and the new children can also show us what they learned before coming to school! Here we are learning about colors before doing a fun matching and memory activity.

This game helps the children with three important skills. Focus, memory, and teamwork! By taking turns, the children look, remember, and adjust to what their friends did. One turns over a card to show the color on the other side, and the next child has to try and remember, or guess, which card has the matching color! Remember which card is pink when they are flipped over again, and which card is red too, so you can make that match! Good luck everybody! Let’s play Memory!

Written by Eric and Ayano

Posted by Earth at 14:33高槻茨木校


Rabbits @ 高槻茨木校

This months we want to show you what the Rabbits did for our craft day! The students were all excited to get their hand dirty!

First things first. We have to wear our smocks! Some of our friends had a little trouble getting them on by themselves but we say "Help please!"
名前を呼ばれたら、手を挙げて"I'm here!" みんな自分でスモックを着れるかな?

What colors are we going to use? Red and white! What color do we get when we mix everything together? mix mix mix......

At first we were a little careful about getting our hands dirty but once we got started we all had so much fun!

Pink pink everywhere! "Look! Look!" The Rabbits were excited to show us their pink hands!

"Let's cover the whole paper!"
We were sliding, patting and moving our hands around to cover everything! When it dried it was ready to go on our wall and...

Tada! We all worked together and made a beautiful sakura tree in our room! Good job rabbits!

Posted By Maana & Eri

Posted by Earth at 14:19高槻茨木校


Zebras @ 高槻茨木校

This month we had to make baskets for the Easter party. Most of our new Zebra friends haven’t had their own craft box before, so there were many things to learn. We need to take care of our own craft materials. It is important for us to learn to do it by ourselves.

Which two colours would you like to use to make the handle?

We tried to draw a face for our Rabbit baskets!

Let’s choose ears and use our glue to attach them! There are so many patterns to choose from!

A nice round pom-pom makes for a good Rabbit tail.

Look! We made a cute bunny basket for our eggs!

This year we will take care to make a lot of beautiful crafts and have a lot of fun making them too. It’s going to be very exciting.

Posted by Alison and Koji

Posted by Earth at 14:05高槻茨木校