
Zebras @ 高槻茨木校

On March 7th, the Nursery, Pre-K jr., and Pre-K had a pancake and pajama party!
All the students looked so happy with their own pajamas at school!
Nursery, Pre-K jr., Pre-K クラスでパジャマ&パンケーキパーティーを行いました。

We celebrated the Pancake day by making pancakes. We put some pancake mix, eggs and milk in the bowl and mix them together!

Flip the pancake! They look so yummy!

While students were making pancakes with teachers, they listened to the teachers’ instructions very well and followed the rules; “Please do not touch the hotplate because it is very dangerous!”

It’s time to eat our pancakes! They all liked it and enjoyed the party!


Pancake Day – Shrove Tuesday

In the UK, there is a festival known as Shrove Tuesday, or more commonly, Pancake Day. Long ago, people used to stop eating sugar or butter in the days before Easter and needed to finish what they already had. For that reason, it became popular to make pancakes the day before Lent (40 days before Easter).

Nowadays, many people don’t care about Lent, but it is still popular to make pancakes on the Tuesday 40 days before Easter. Today we are teaching the children about the festival by making (and eating) pancakes, having pancake races with frying pans we made in craft time, and by having a pancake toss competition, something still commonly done in the UK.

We are also having a pajama party, just for fun! The children have the chance to show their pajamas off to their friends in a fashion show!

Posted by Alison & Koji  

Posted by Earth at 00:57高槻茨木校


Lions @ 高槻茨木校

We’ve been having so much fun outside playing
Games such as tag and catch me.


Here the children made up their own game
They did a great job of thinking about the all important Rules.

The lions class love to use the bikes and cars
To patrol the playground and make sure everyone is playing nicely.

In lions class we love to use the swings and are very good at
waiting our turn.


Posted by Rom and Kyoko

Posted by Earth at 00:40高槻茨木校


Geckos @ 高槻茨木校

For our last blog we wanted to show everyone how much we've grown! Even during free play the geckos are developing their emotional and social skills by interacting with friends and participating in group play! Let's take a look at some of the fun times we had playing, growing and learning together!

"Look! I made a giraffe!" "I made a house!" By the end of the year we could hear the students having lots of conversations with each other and sharing their toys...

And having fun working together to build various things...

Giving instructions to friends or asking questions...

Helping our friends by pushing them on the bicycle...

Taking turns chasing after each other...

And caring for our friends if they were sad by saying, "Are you okay?"...
悲しくて泣いているお友だちを見ると、"Are you okay?"と声をかけハグをしてあげたり・・・

Also, the geckos have all become teacher's helpers by reminding their friends of the rules and helping each other be super!! Good job geckos! You are all SUPER!!

Written by Maana & Eri  

Posted by Earth at 00:17高槻茨木校


Dolphins @ 高槻茨木校

Hina Matsuri Party!

KA Dolphins had a lot of fun this year celebrating Hinamatsuri! After learning about what it is, and going to look at the Hinamatsuri display we had in the school, it was now time for children to enjoy Hinamatsuri, in a yummy way!
3月3日のひな祭りの日は、Pandas Classと合同でアクティビティを楽しむと同時に日本の伝統文化について学びました。

Children were first explained what they will be making. And were then shown how to do it. They were all listening very good, and even asked questions!

Students began sticking their snacks together by using toothpicks. And using the eyes for chocolate!

We had many snacks to use to create our dolls. Children were able to make both a girl, and boy one!

KA had a lot of fun decorating their Hinamatsuri dolls any way they wanted. There were many creative ways that children made their dolls!

Children were very excited to eat their dolls! We had a lot of fun making them, as I'm sure they had a lot of fun eating them too!

Written by Brent & Shiori

Posted by Earth at 00:06高槻茨木校