
Kinder A @千里丘校

This month we have started the Canola Project and been rehearsing for our performance.
Kinder A and Pre-K have sown seeds in our garden. As we wait for them to produce shoots, we will water them.
Next year, when this class has moved up to Kinder B we hope to see a big crop of canola.

菜の花の種をまく季節になりました。 今年はKA class と Pre-K class 合同での作業となりました。KAのこどもたちは、去年の種まきのことを覚えていたようです、 指をふかふかに耕した土に上手に差し込んで種を入れる場所を作るのもとてもスムーズに行っていました。 Pre-K のこどもたちは、いったい何が起こるのだろうと目を輝かせて、先生の説明やKAのこどもたちの様子を静かに見つめます。土に指を差し込むのも、どこか恐る恐るです、でも、KAの経験者たちは、恐る恐るできた穴を形よく、ぐっと深い穴になるようにお手伝いをします。 Pre-Kのこどもたちからの「すごいな~」という視線を浴びながら少し鼻が高いKAのみんな、小さいお友達のお手本になれるように、日々成長しています。 

“How many kinds of handgrip can you see?"

It is not long until the curtain goes up for our performance.
We are all looking forward to showing everyone our play, but really it is the process that shows the most results.
As well as rehearsing the lines for our play, the children are also getting involved in the prop making.
Today, we were learning to paper maché and were painting cardboard.


As well as learning to work together and use good manners, when asking our friend to pass the paint, learning how to use a paintbrush has been an area we focused on today.

In Kinder A we are all beginning to work better with pencils, but we do still see a palm grip on paintbrushes.
This activity gave us the chance to help children to better their brushwork. We looked at how to hold a brush and ways to make good strokes.
Once this cardboard is painted, what will it become in our show?


Owen & Mitsuyo  

Posted by Earth at 10:51千里丘校


Halloween Party @高槻茨木校 Part2


During the mummy wrapping game we laughed because we all look great in our designer tissue outfits.

We don’t know who this mummy is, because we have wrapped their head up so much. Fun isn’t it.

They know who this monster is and they will decorate him with so many different colours.

What you don’t see is this was much darker and scarier, and too touch things you can’t see

They had to touch things like ping pong balls in slime as eyes and slime for brains, strange but true.

Ever wanted to hit that cockroach with a monster face running across the floor, the children had that chance and they loved it.

Who was that blue blob hitting the cockroach with a student, and if you missed once try again.

Why do pumpkins have a mouth, to eat of course. Soft balls or bean bags are their favourite foods.

The children loved to colour their monsters with so many bright colours so they are not to scary.

The witches that wear these hats must be very small because we cannot see them, Ah well! lets throw a glow ring over them just to be safe.

Written by Simon & Kinuko  

Posted by Earth at 09:06高槻茨木校