
Monkeys @高槻茨木校

The Valentine’s Day Craft!

To introduce our craft to the Monkey class, we began by assembling a
variety of hearts of different colors and all 5 available sizes in
front of the class. The children then had the option to select colors
and heart sizes to their pleasure. They could have all big hearts, or
3 hearts of the same size if they wished, and a large variety of
colors was available for the children to choose to their liking!

The next day, we had the colors and sizes ready for the children to
start cutting and gluing! The children would take one heart at a time
and carefully cut along the traced lines. Scissors were left on the
table, and as children finished each of their 5 hearts, they could
take the finished heart to the pile of hearts on their sitting space
on the carpet. After they understood this more complex process, it
went very smoothly!

Gluing was a little more difficult, with instructions to place glue on
the side of the heart with their name written on it, so that the
non-named side of the heart would be the side that remains visible.
After everyone did their best to use appropriate amounts of glue (not
too much, not too little!) the valentines were mostly finished! The
next day we moved on to the final step!

Writing ‘I love you’ for the valentines was a matter of choice for the
children. Those who wanted to write the message freehand had the
choice to do so, and those who wanted to trace, had that option
available as well! Both tracing and freehanding was chosen equally,
and all of the results looked fantastic!
また次の日には、マーカーを使って“I LOVE YOU”と書いてみました!なぞり書きをしたいか自分で書きたいか、それぞれが選択し、みんな上手に書けました。最近、Monkeysは読むことや書くことに対してとても興味を持っています。大きな紙に大きILOVE YOU と書いて得意げに読んで見せてくれていました。

Happy Valentine’s Day everyone! It was a fun and challenging craft
for all of the Monkeys!
たくさんのステップがあり大変なパートもありましたが、楽しみながら世界に一つのカードが出来ました。Good Job!


Posted by Earth at 13:45高槻茨木校


Dolphins @高槻茨木校

The Demon on Setsubun

To prepare for the arrival of the Demon on Setsubun, KA decided the best way not to be scared, is to make demon masks, so that we may actually scare the Demon instead!!

Students were given already prepared cardboard with a rubber band, to go on their heads.Their first job was to color it. Many students thought pink, red or green would be the best for the color of a demon.

After they were finished coloring the mask, they then needed to cut out a nose, and eyes.This was good practice for their hand-eye coordination, and to practice cutting nice circles.

Children drew the eyes, and then glued them, and the nose, on the demon wherever they wanted.Some eyes were cute, others were scary!!

We asked students, what do demons have that we do not have. The answer of course, were horns!So to help them improve on drawing straight lines, we had them draw horns. Some children made one horn, others made more than 3!

We then took scrap paper, and ripped it to make hair for the demon. After ripping it, we glued it.

Raaarrr! KA was now ready with their demon masks, to scare the unsuspecting Demon on Setsubun!
出来上がり!!出来たてのお面をかぶって、鬼を怖がらせる練習です!「がぉぉぉぉぉぉー!!」 当日は楽しむ子どもや、怖がりながらも友達の影から鬼に向かってボールを投げる子どもなど・・・お面の効果はあったかな♪

Posted by Brent & Yuka  

Posted by Earth at 11:28高槻茨木校


Kinder A @千里丘校

“Primary colors”
This week, we have been exploring colors. We learnt about primary colors that many artists like. These are red, yellow and blue.We made an activity that engaged the children in finding out what cikiyrs combinations of these made.

Each child painted their hand in a primary color and made a print of the paper.We found the brushes tickled our hands.They repainted their palm and then rubbed hands with a partner whose hand was painted a different color.Our aim is fun, mess and learning.

The children then made new hand prints on the paper to see what new colors were made.

The class became very enthusiastic about the process and we will curtain try this again.

Red, yellow, blue すべての色を作り出す基本の色です。 私達、大人にとっては見慣れた色であり、色は日常の風景の一部となってしまってます。この色のactivityは子どもたちにとって色の新鮮さと、自分で作れる新しい色の発見となりました。 自分の手をキャンパスにすることで、ブラシのくすぐったい感覚や絵の具のぬるぬる感を友達と一緒に楽しんだようです。私達、大人も日常の中の色々な色に目を向けてみると何か新しい発見があるかもしれませんね。

By Owen and Mitsuyo  

Posted by Earth at 10:46千里丘校


Bees @千里山田校

"Valentine card's exchange and student story"

Bees class made a big Valentine's card for butterflies class.
We exchanged our card with them.
Butterflies gave us pretty cards too.

They had fun! And, one student read a storybook all by himself!
Everyone listened to him nicely.

Good job!

It is Bee's Valentine's card!

Butterfkues gave us a card one by one!

Story time!

Written by Arama & Yoko  

Posted by Earth at 14:14千里山田校


Turtles @千里山田校

For February, the month of Animals and Dinosaurs, we are on the process of making two giant dinosaurs for the outside wall. (Next to the stairs)
One is a green spikey dinosaur, and the other is a brown lumpy dinosaur.

タートルズの大好きな絵本の"Dinosaur ROAR!"にはたくさんの種類の恐竜が出てきます。
みんなで大きなdinosaur spikyとdinosaur lumpyを作ることにしました。

We worked in this order:
1. Rip magazine paper into long strips.

2. Crutch magazine paper and roll them in to ball shapes.

3. Glue strips and balls on the dinosaurs' body.

4. After they are dry, color paint over the whole body.
Green for spikey dinosaur and brown for lumpy dinosaur.

Later we are going to add some parts to the dinosaurs' body then put them up on the wall.
Please have a look when you visit the school!



Written by Elaine & Rika  

Posted by Earth at 13:41千里山田校