
Kinder B 千里丘校

ヘルピングハンズの一環として、南山田ディーサービスセンターにお邪魔しました。子ども達と一緒に決めた“Good Morning Mama””たなばたさま”“見上げてごらん夜の星を”トトロの“Let’s Go”の4曲を披露し、最後に一人ひとりの方に自己紹介をしながらお花を渡しました。子ども達の歌に微笑み、手拍子をしていただいたり、うれしさで涙を流されたり…そんな観客の様子に子ども達はなにか温かいものを感じていたようです。またこのセンターでは、週に一度、英会話のクラスをされているようで、子ども達と英語での会話を楽しんでいただきました。帰り道、誰からともなくトトロのうたを歌い始め、その歌声から”やり遂げた“後の自信のようなものを感じました。南山田ディサービスの皆様、快く迎えていただきありがとうございました。
As part of our helping hands activities the KB class undertook a trip to the local seniors facility.
The KB class brightened the seniors afternoon by singing songs for them and handing them each a hand made flower.

The seniors have a regular English lesson so they were very impressed with the KB classes English abilities.
We also took the opportunity to discuss road safety as we prepared to cross a few small roads on the way.

There were smiles on everyones faces as KB left the facility singing happily all the back to Global Village.
Thank you Yukiko and Eri for making the afternoon a success!


Posted by Earth at 14:50千里丘校


Kinder A 千里丘校

Throughout the year, we learn about road safety. We learn how to cross the road and even about safe cycling. In the England, we use the ‘Green Cross Code’.

This week we put our knowledge to the test. We walked to the local fire station for a visit.

We were shown some of the equipment that the ambulances and fire trucks carry. We even got to get inside and have a look. We met the firefighters and paramedics too. ‘Paramedic’ is a new word for us.

Kinder A would like to say thank you to the crew of Higashi Fire Station for their warm hospitality.

As this is ‘Helping Hands Week’, we then walked to the nearby park. We helped our community by picking up the litter with special handmade tongs. Then we played.

On the walk back to school, we made sure to “Stop, Look, Listen and Think” before crossing the street.
タグ :消防署

Posted by Earth at 14:39千里丘校