
Zebras 高槻茨木校

Painting for Sports Day!

The Zebras have been very busy painting and colouring 2 boxes in preparation for Sports Day games.
We are really excited and can't wait to show our parents how good we are at racing!

Rachel and Koji

Posted by Earth at 23:09高槻茨木校


Circle Time in Monkeys Class

In May, the Monkey class has had a great time with new activities for all to enjoy. The first photos with Eric blindfolded is the Hidden Tiger game, where the children have to describe where the tiger is hiding, so Eric can find it! They have to use prepositions though, so they need to say ‘It’s in the red bucket!’ or, ‘It’s behind the blue bucket!’

The tower building exercise was to help the children take turns in small teams making a group tower and see how high they could go! They had a lot of fun putting it together, and a lot of laughs watching it fall! It’s an activity we hope to do again and again, and see how we get better and better at building as we get older!

Eric and Aya

Posted by Earth at 23:05高槻茨木校


Sports Day Rehearsal in 高槻校


Global Bear:おまけです!(Lionsの保護者の方が、着なくなったユニフォームをリフォームされたようです)

Posted by Earth at 22:59高槻茨木校



KB Lions and Spring Beginnings!

We are all great helpers in KB! Here are students working together and helping each other make beautiful flowers, fruits and vegetables out of recycled paper for our Spring classroom mural.

Time to dance! We listened to a poem about Chrissy the Canola Plant, starting from tiny seeds and then growing into big strong plants that danced in the wind.

Thank you!

Kylee Arnold KB teacher

Posted by Earth at 22:49高槻茨木校



On May 17th the Rabbits class enjoyed planting tomato seedlings.
Thanks a lot to all the parents who came to help out.
We are looking forward to seeing our plants grow , and eating yummy tomatoes in Summer !


Posted by Earth at 22:45高槻茨木校