
Green class - Senrioka School-

For the first few minutes of every after school lesson, we gather on the carpet and enjoy chatting and catching up with our friends. On this day, we talked about our plans for the winter holiday.

We regularly review the letter types, writing lines, spacing, and posture when we do writing and spelling activities in our journals. We learned the grammar point `used to/ didn't use to` and wrote two sentences using each.

On Mondays, we really look forward to using the iPads for the last few minutes of our lesson. During this time, we use the Spelling City and Cambridge Online Activities programs to improve our spelling, listening, and reading comprehension skills.

Posted by Earth at 20:19After School


Purple Class - Senri Yamada School-

The Purple Class learned all about robotics and how they help us to make our daily lives easier. Here, the children are planning out their robots together, designing them, and making a list of what items we will need to assemble them.

Using the grammar sentences "used for" and "used to" we described how we would use our robots to help us. We worked as a team and communicated how we wanted to assemble it together.

Finally, in teams they presented their robots in front of the class. We talked about what the robot could do, how we made it, and also how it could make our lives better. Afterwards, the other team asked questions about their robot and the presenting team answered together.


Posted by Earth at 20:13After School


Purple class-Takatsuki Ibaraki School-

In the past quarter, the students have been learning about natural disasters. As an end of the unit project they worked in teams to build paper mache volcanoes. The first step, they crumbled the newspapers and taped them together into a dome shape. Next, they dipped the strips of newspapers into the glue and water mixture and covered the dome. We left them to dry for two days.

In the next class, the students painted their volcanoes with red and brown paint to create that volcano feel.

The students prepared the “magma solution” with vinegar and red food coloring. We took the volcano mountains outside into the sandbox, the students added some dinosaurs near their volcano mountains and set the magma to work! They put some baking soda into the mouth of the mountain, and poured the solution in. They were all excited to see it exploded! The lava got on the dinosaurs and some children saved them from being burnt by the hot lava!

It was an exciting project as the students all got their hands on it and with much anticipation built up to the day they finally got to create the hot lava. They were still talking about it even a few weeks later!



Posted by Earth at 23:44After School


Orange class -Senrioka School-

Here the Senrioka Orange students were studying hard during a practice YLE test in class.

Everyone in class was excited to act out a short play and had fun making the props.

The students all focused and worked hard practicing for the play and their hard work paid off!


Posted by Earth at 21:34After School


Pink class -Senri Yamada School-

Study time. The children are busy writing words in their journals. These words are either from the Cambridge textbook or a list from the Spelling City program. The children will take some of these words and try to write them in a sentence. This is a fun activity and helps the children to be creative and unafraid of making mistakes.

Game time. The children are enjoying playing a game using the words from earlier in the lesson. In this game, children must work together to unscramble sentences on the board.

Technology time. The children enjoy using the Spelling City program on the iPads. At times they work alone and other times in small groups. Either way they are encouraged to help out their classmates if they are having any difficulty. They may find some of the words they used in the lesson and now be able to read them with confidence. As a bonus, the games are a lot of fun for everyone!



Posted by Earth at 20:10After School