
Summer School 2019 August 17th

We have come to our final day of Summer School and we were all really excited to have one last fun day together. It was great to see how accustomed the children had become to the school, and some once timid faces were all now bright and smiling from the moment they walked into the door, ready for another exciting time.


Both our older and younger children worked on finishing off their fireworks crafts. Yesterday we filled our papers with many different colors using oil crayons, and then we took some black paint and covered the whole paper. Today the children used toothpicks and split pins to scrape off some of the black paint to reveal the colors underneath and make an amazing fireworks display! (Photo 1)


Our younger classes started off the day talking about food and numbers. We played a food mixing game where the children picked out two different foods and we tried to think about what they would taste like mixed together and we had to decide if it would still be yummy or not. For numbers we sang the song, “7 steps” ad took some numbers out occasionally and the children had to clap for the missing number. We also practice throwing bean bags into hoops to count how many landed inside, and how many landed outside the hoop.

小さい子ども達のクラスでは、食べ物と数字を使ったアクティビティーをしました。子ども達が2つの違った食べ物をピックアップし、それを一緒に食べると美味しいか美味しくないかを考えるゲームです。数字を使ったアクティビティーでは ”7 steps" という歌で楽しみました。その歌のなかではいくつかの数字がなくなるため、その欠けた数字の部分で手を叩いてリズムをとらなければなりません。さらにお手玉をフープの中をめがけて投げ、それぞれフープの内側と外側に着地した数を一緒に数え、競い合いました。

Our older classes began by talking about families. The first game was about matching up colors and vocabulary for members of our family. The second game we tried to match up some barnyard animals we know with the babies. We played a ball passing game and a memory game with these words and the children really enjoyed them!


We also had our last day of pool and water play today. The children got to enjoy the pool if they wanted, but we also had some fun water based games for them to play. One involved passing water balloons to our friends and trying to make sure they didn’t pop. As the game went on the children moved further and further away from each other, so they had to throw the balloon a long way!


At the end of the day our older children played an exciting game with castles, dragons, and catapults. They combined many elements they learned through the week, such as using the kapla blocks to build a tower, making a paper flying dragon, and also firing away with the catapults they built. They really enjoyed it!


It was a great ending to a great week! We are sad to say goodbye to all of our new friends, but we are really glad you could be with us this week. Thank you all for coming to Global Village Summer School 2019, and we look forward to seeing you back here next year!

今日はこの一週間の締めくくりとして大変素晴らしい一日となりました。サマースクールに参加してくれたみなさんにさよならを言うのは寂しい限りです。私たちと共に特別な夏の日々を過ごし、たくさんの思い出を共有してくれたことに感謝し、大変嬉しく思います。Global Village Summer School 2019 にご参加いただき、本当にありがとうございました。来年もまた会えることを心待ちにしています!

Written by Owen and Jonathan

Posted by Earth at 15:42サマースクール


Summer School 2019 August 16th

Today the Preschool classes, explored animals, colours and actions. Hands-on activities help the children to participate and cement their knowledge while also keeping the lessons fun.


Our craft, mixes both colours and hidden elements. Today, the children used oil pastels to colour craft paper. Next, they covered it all in black tempera paint. Once it dry, we can used toothpicks to make our own scratch art.


We had a very active day, with gym games, catapult play, dominoes, and other games. When the children are show interest in one particular activity, we are happy to see the fun continue until a new idea grips their imagination.


Our upper level classes learnt about secret messages. We used two kinds of cipher; Pigpen and Alberti’s cipher disc. We made a few messages for them to decode, and they could then write their own. Perhaps they can show their parents how to make a secret note.

上級者クラスでは秘密のメッセージについて学びました。2つの種類の暗号、ピグペンとアルベルティの暗号ディスクを用い、幾つかの暗号文を作ってみました。 保護者の皆さんにも秘密のメッセージの書き方を教えてくれるかもしれませんね?!

Written by Owen and Jonathan  

Posted by Earth at 17:30サマースクール


Summer School 2019 August 15th

We are all really glad that the weather held out long enough for us to have another fun day together. We hope everyone returned home safely, and we look forward to seeing everyone back again tomorrow for (hopefully!) some pool play!


Today our older classes got to play a few games with a little danger or risk involved. One involved having to pump up a balloon a certain number of times if they missed identifying a word. If the balloon popped, their team lost the round, so it was very tense for the students at times! They also played a ‘cops and robbers’ games with names of places they know around town.


Our younger students started off the day with some shape matching games, and then moved on to making their own paper spinning craft. The children had a great time decorating their paper spinners and thinking about what pictures it would create when it was spun.


The older classes also got to make something exciting today; a catapult! They looked at various designs of catapults and tried to come up with their own original idea for a catapult to see whose would fly the furthest. Their designs were all very unique and creative! They also got to make their own board game with knights and dragons trying to capture the castle tower. It was a fun strategy game for them to learn.


It was another fun filled day and we are looking forward to what the final two days will bring. We hope you are all safe tonight and we will see you tomorrow.


Written by Owen and Jonathan  

Posted by Earth at 16:14サマースクール


Summer School 2019 August 14th

It has been great to see smiling faces as the children arrive each morning. We like to think that the friendly atmosphere and engaging activities have given the children good reason to look forward to the new day ahead. The teachers work hard to make each child feel welcome and involved.


Today, we had more fun and games. We shook giant rattles in a race to empty them of beans; we played monster tag, and other games with bouncy balls. The older children are also learning activities that they can share at home, such as card games.


The weather is turning, but at Takatsuki school, we managed to have water-play today. The children wanted to stay in the pool for the whole day. We also played games with water balloons and giant sponges. In Yamada, we had to postpone our time in the water, but the children were still able to have some water based activities.


Our younger classes made silly faces and played Fukuwarai. The older children had a new puzzle to work on. Each child was given a wooden safe to build... but no plans! Careful observation and nimble fingers helped us to succeed. The children were very focused. We may use some time tomorrow to complete this task, and perhaps decorate our safes.


Written by Owen and Jonathan  

Posted by Earth at 19:54サマースクール


Summer School 2019 August 13th

We had another exciting day at Global Village Summer School today!

The older children learned a new game called, “paper football”. They first had to work with a sheet of paper and fold it into a tight triangle. Then we learned the rules of the game, which involved flicking our paper triangle towards our friends, who were holding their hands in a U shape to make a goalpost.


We also learned a neat variation to the game where we had to try and put the triangle flat on the table and flick it to the other side without it falling off! If the paper had one point over the edge of the table without falling, we got 6 points!
We also played a lot of fun games with big plastic cups, long plastic straws, and ping pong balls!


Our younger classes looked at colors, animals, and verbs today. We learned the difference between nice animals and scary animals. Then we tried to keep the scary animals in a cage, so we could play with the nice animals. We also search around the room to find different colors!


We also got to use some of our own imagination and expression making a hidden fruit picture. We folded paper into a Z shape and drew our favorite round fruit. Then the children opened the paper up and drew a hidden picture inside the fruit. The children liked this activity so much then many of them drew several fruits!


It was a great day today and we look forward to another one tomorrow.


Written by Owen and Jonathan


Posted by Earth at 21:45サマースクール